I use instagram pretty often. Everyday. After breakfast, I usually go sit down in my turquoise armchair, drinking my big cup of tea while scrolling through instagram. Instagram is a great invention. You can get insights about other people´s lifes, take a look behind the scenes, and get inspired by other people´s pictures. I have to admit: I am pretty bad with my instagram. I know I could have way more followers, but I just don´t have the time to post 2 or 3 pictures per day and make 10 stories. As I´ve mentioned before in my other post "About the artist - extended version", I am not a fulltime "painting" artist.
I have another job and because of that I don´t get to paint everyday. My second collection "SAFARI" took me actually 5 months to finish. Not because I didn´t want to or because I needed 3 weeks per picture to finish - NO. Simply because I´ve been working alot.
I use instagram pretty often. Everyday. After breakfast, I usually go sit down in my turquoise armchair, drinking my big cup of tea while scrolling through instagram. Instagram is a great invention. You can get insights about other people´s lifes, take a look behind the scenes, and get inspired by other people´s pictures. I have to admit: I am pretty bad with my instagram. I know I could have way more followers, but I just don´t have the time to post 2 or 3 pictures per day and make 10 stories. As I´ve mentioned before in my other post "About the artist - extended version", I am not a fulltime "painting" artist.
I have another job and because of that I don´t get to paint everyday. My second collection "SAFARI" took me actually 5 months to finish. Not because I didn´t want to or because I needed 3 weeks per picture to finish - NO. Simply because I´ve been working alot.
I don´t paint when I don´t feel like painting.
I need to be in the mood for it. I want painting to be fun. Otherwise I wouldn´t call my pictures "happy pictures" but grumpy pictures ...
Sometimes I´ve been working 5 days a week and only had the weekends to "recover" and do stuff I would usually do when I was home - like doing laundry, cleaning or fun tax stuff ( do you hear the sarcasm? ) ...
To all my followers: I am really truly sorry ( no sarcasm in here ) for being so lazy with posting new stuff. I am working on it and am gonna put more effort in it. But hey! I´ve created this blog for you!
So yes, I am using Instagram. Mostly because I find so much inspiration on there. Whenever I see something that inspires me, or a cool idea or an interesting color combo that I like, I save it to my "art" collection on Instagram.
Despite the fact that I don´t post alot - how do you like my instagram? What would you like me to post more about?
You will never see me posting pictures showing me.
I am sorry, in case anyone was hoping for it. I want my instagram to be about my art only. Of course I AM "Art by Monrau" and my art is a part of me, but I want my followers to follow me because of what I do and not because of me. I know many people - especially people working in fashion business - whose instagram contains of selfies only. Selfies with the same exact duck face, pictures of their new Chanel or Birkin bag or stories about how they shop their designer sunglasses. I don´t wanna judge those people. Everyone should post what they feel like posting. But I will keep my instagram more private and focused on my art.
In case you were wondering, why I never post a picture showing the whole painting...

Whenever I start a new collection, I only post small details, closeups, colors etc. I call them sneak peak and shall only give you small impressions and insights about the new collection. As soon as I finished painting my last picture, I bring my paintings to a professional photostudio I usually work for alot, and let my paintings being photographed with the highest resolution and best light possible. As soon as I receive the pictures I will post my new collection and show the whole painting. Believe me - I am burning to show it to you and I am always super thrilled to reveal my new collections.
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